Information Technology
Aims of the Subject
- To teach students the knowledge and life skills of computer operations.
- To develop students’ interests in computing, promoting logical thinking, independent thinking, creativity and problem solving skills.
- To teach students to appreciate the impact of computers in modern life, so that they can face the fast changing world with an active and positive attitude.
- To teach students the computer ethics about the use of computer in a proper and legal way.
- To develop students’ self-learning skills with various on-line learning platforms.
- To integrate curriculum with other subjects and to enhance “teachers and students” interaction and communication.
- To develop students’ computational thinking through coding and robotic education.
Members of the Subject :
Panels |
Subject Teachers |
Farm Road Campus: Mr. Leo LEE, Ms. Jessica LAW, Mr. Marcus WONG, Mr. Henry KAO Sheung Heung Road Campus: Ms. Janet SIN, Ms. Coco LI, Ms. Anne SO, Ms. Irene YIP, Ms. Jasmine LAM |
Achievement of the Subject
- 22-23
Name of activities |
Awards |
Samsung Solve for Tomorrow 2022 |
小學組 - 季軍 |
大灣區智慧交通校際挑戰賽 |
香港區 - 季軍 |
萬人齊編慶回歸 |
優異獎 |
- 21-22
Name of activities |
Awards |
2022年大灣區STEM卓越獎 |
最積極參與學校獎 小學組銀獎 |
- 20-21
Name of activities |
Awards |
BGCA全港水火箭比賽2021 |
九宮格計分賽 - 季軍 抛物線降落賽 - 冠軍、季軍 學校總成績 - 季軍 |
Metomics兩岸四地 STEM大賽 香港賽區 2021 |
羅馬炮台比賽 - 冠軍 |
Minecraft 程式設計證書課程 |
Certificate of Excellence |
- 19-20
Name of activities |
Awards |
CoolThink@JC Competition 2019 |
The Best Functionality and Design Award (APP INVENTOR) |
A.I.Expo Hong Kong 2020 兩岸四地STEM智能車大賽 |
冠軍、 解難賽第一名、足球賽第二名 |
亞軍、 解難賽第二名、足球賽第一名 |
季軍、解難賽第三名 |
A.I.Expo Hong Kong 2020 粤港澳大灣區無人機編程大賽 |
冠軍 |
最踴躍參與學校獎 |
優異獎 |
全港學界機械人相撲賽 |
銅獎 |
Online Learning Resources of the Subject :
- Make It Simple 一站式網上平台登入
- School Intranet(SchooLink)
- ITeBook DR.PC F@MILY小學電腦『學與教』
- Anybody can learn |
- Google CS First
- CoolThink@JC Learning Portal