Transfer Students Admission


Transfer Students Admission Application of 2024-2025 (Primary 2 to Primary 6)


27th May, 2024

Dear Parents,

Please read the following schedule regarding the transfer student admission application of 2024-2025. 敬請細閱以下有關申請2024-2025學年之插班生入學注意事項:

  1. Please make an appointment for individual written test day with our office on phone from 28th May to 14th June, 2024. 請於本年五月二十八日至六月十四日期間致電本校校務處,預約個人筆試考核日期。
  2. The individual written test can only be arranged during 1st to 17th June, 2024. 本校只於本年六月一日至十七日期間安排個人筆試時間。
  3. Please click here to download an application form and submit the completed form to the office on your scheduled written test day. 請按此下載插班生入學申請表格,填妥後,請於已預約之筆試當天交回本校校務處。
  4. The School will contact the applicants who are offered a chance of an interview from 21st to 25th June, 2024. 如獲面試機會之申請者,本校將於二零二四年六月二十一日至二十五日致電通知有關面試安排。


Thank you for your attention.


Admission Offices 入學申請辦事處:

P.1-3: Office of Farm Road Campus 農圃道校務處 小一至小三年級 (Tel 電話: 2755 7799)
P.4-6: Office of Sheung Heung Road Campus 上鄉道校務處 小四至小六年級 ( (Tel 電話: 2712 1270)

Office hours 辦公時間:

9:00am to 4:00pm (Monday to Friday 星期一至五)
9:00am to 1:00pm (Saturday 星期六)
Lunch hour午膳時間:12:30pm to 1:30pm ( Monday to Friday 星期一至五 )
Off on Sundays and Public Holidays 星期日及公眾假期休息

Application for the 2nd term of School Year of 2024-2025 Entry will be posted in December, 2024. 有關2024-2025年度第二學期入學申請將於202412月公佈。

Medium of instruction in LMC :

English is used as the medium of instruction for teaching all subjects, except Chinese Language which is conducted in Putonghua in all the levels. 



Admission Offices :

P.1-3: Office of Farm Road Campus

(Tel : 2755 7799)

P.4-6: Office of Sheung Heung Road Campus

(Tel : 2712 1270)


農圃道校務處 小一至小三年級

(電話: 2755 7799)

上鄉道校務處 小四至小六年級

(電話 : 2712 1270)

Office hours :

9:00am to 4:00pm (Monday to Friday)

9:00am to 1:00pm (Saturday)

Lunch hour:12:30pm to 1:30pm (Monday to Friday)

Off on Sundays and Public Holidays 


9:00早上 to 4:00下午 (星期一至五)

9:00早上 to 1:00中午 (Saturday)

午膳:12:30中午 to 1:30中午 (星期一至五)
