

Aims of the Subject :

  • To master the basic knowledge of language learning, to cultivate and develop students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
  • Improve students' thinking ability, aesthetic ability and self-learning ability.
  • Cultivate interest in language learning, good attitudes and habits in language learning.
  • Improve students' interest in reading, broaden the scope of reading and increase the amount of reading, and accumulate vocabulary and writing materials.
  • Cultivate students' higher-order thinking ability and quality, encourage independent analysis, multi-angle thinking, and creativity.
  • Cultivate students' multiple intelligences through "life-wide learning".
  • Cultivate students' aesthetic ability, aesthetic taste and cultivate their temperament.
  • Cultivate students' good moral character and strengthen their sense of responsibility to the community.
  • Recognize Chinese culture and cultivate students' feelings for the country and the nation.


Members of the Subject :

Farm Road Campus:
Sheung Heung Road Campus:
Subject Teachers
Farm Road Campus:

張志婷老師,韓立媛老師,張若萱老師 ,魏秀霞老師,陳敏兒老師,王一博老師 ,錢璐加老師,陳芷君老師 。

Sheung Heung Road Campus:


Major Activities of the Subject - Outside school activities



Achievement of the Subject本科學生成就:

  • 2022-2023「魯迅青少年文學獎」——榮獲最積極參與學校獎
  • 2022-2023「中國航天夢」全港徵文比賽——榮獲兩個獎項,分別是【最傑出參與學校獎】、【初小組】冠軍
  • 2022-2023「第七十四屆校際朗誦節」——榮獲冠軍1個,亞軍4個,季軍4個及優異獎96個
  • 2022-2023「GAPSK」比賽系列——榮獲普通話朗誦比賽冠軍2個,亞軍2個,卓越及優異獎3個;榮獲兒歌唐詩精英大賽季軍1個,優異、卓越良好獎5個;榮獲普通話領袖生獎勵計劃銅獎3個,優異獎4個


Catering for Learning Diversity照顧學生學習多樣性:

  • 一至六年級皆設有課後輔導班,以輔導基礎較弱的學生,提升語文運用能力。
  • 一至六年級皆有普通話大使,以幫助普通話能力較弱的學生及非華語學生。
  • 一至六年級設有校本古詩詞集,低小以培養學生對詩詞的興趣和朗讀為主,高小以培養學生欣賞古詩詞、提升文學素養和弘揚中華文化為主。
  • 一年級全年融入繪本教學,且繪本種類豐富,照顧不同學生的學習需要,使學生能更好、更快地融入一年級學習,促進幼小銜接。
  • 四至五年級皆加入校本古文學習小冊子,使學生能更好地適應中學學習,促進中小銜接

Online Learning Resources of the Subject本科網上學習資源: