Election of the 12th IMC Parent Manager – Election Result 第十二屆法團校董會家長校董選舉結果
The election the 12th IMC Parent Manager was ended in a success with the support from all the parents. We are thankful to the contribution and involvement. After the election period from 5th March to 15th March, 2021, 12:00nn, we carried out the counting at 1:15pm on 16th March, and the following are the result of Parent Manager and Alternative Parent Manager:
1.Overall no. of ballot 總票數: 35
2. Void ballot 廢票: 8
3. No. of ballot received by the candidate s各候選人得票如下:
候選人 |
No. of ballot
所得票數 |
【1】Mr. LOW Chung Ching (Parent of LOW Kwok Hei in P.4C)
婁忠政 先生 (四勤班 婁國喜家長) |
68 |
【2】Mr. PAT Kam Lung (Parent of PAT Hei in P.2D)
畢錦龍先生 (二誠班 畢熙家長) |
281 |
In accordance to the election result, Mr. PAT Kam Lung was elected to be our Parent Manager and Mr. LOW Chung Ching our Alternate Parent Manager which comes into effective from 1st April, 2021 till 31st March, 2023. They are going to represent LMC parents to sit in the coming IMC meetings and help voice out the parents’ needs and discuss the affairs of the school.
根據投票結果,由2021年4月1日起至2023年3月31日止,本校之家長校董為 畢錦龍 先生;替代家長校董為 婁忠政 先生。彼等將代表本校家長出席法團校董會會議,表達意見及商討本校事務。