General Studies



  • Provide diversified learning experiences for students to lay foundations for the Key Learning Areas (KLAs) of Science Education (SE), Technology Education (TE) and Personal, Social and Humanities Education (PSHE), and to progressively develop their positive values, attitudes and generic skills
  • Maintain healthy personal development and become confident, rational and responsible citizens
  • Recognize students’ roles and responsibilities as members of the family and society and show concern for the common good
  • Develop a sense of national identity and be committed to contributing to the nation and the world
  • Develop care and concern for the environment and practice green living
  • Promote STEM education and coding education, to deepen values education and enhance students’ integrative use of generic skills
  • Cultivates positive values and attitudes for healthy personal and social developments

Members of the Subject :


Ms. Kitty CHENG


Farm Road Campus:

Ms. Iris WAN


Sheung Heung Road Campus:

Ms. Ivory WANG

Subject Teachers

Farm Road Campus:

Ms. Kitty CHENG, Ms. Checkie LEE, Ms. Fyan IU, Ms. Kelly KO,

Ms. Cecilia FAN, Mr. Marcus WONG, Ms. Gloria SO


Sheung Heung Road Campus:

Ms. Jasmine LAM, Mr. Penny PO, Ms. Renda CHAN, Ms. Helen NIE, Ms. Kay HAN, Mr. Chiumang TANG

Achievement of the Subject:

  • 全港水火箭比賽2021 – 我校獲得抛物綫降落賽(小學組)冠軍
  • 「2022 STEM 數理科技振中盃」– 我校獲得 一等獎 五名,二等獎 一名


Online Learning Resources of the Subject: